Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The relationship between obesity and bullying in school

Bullying is a subtle subject that has become a threat to the younger generation of learning environments. According to recent surveys, 30% of teenagers in the United States and 90% of children provide an account to become victims of school bullying.

Compared to girls, boys show a high tendency to engage in bullying actions. Children, being more openly aggressive than their peers, are more likely to be bullied and resorts to pushing, hit or even crowd conspire. Bullying in schools is generally done by children when they want to show physical dominance over peers they consider weak or tender. While children, who are more subtle in the way they display dislikes, might be doing some sort of bullying by placing the victims in a situation where they will find themselves big city taunts. Exceptions to gossip and clear some form of bullying school where girls show social aggression.