Tuesday, October 10, 2017

causes obesity in children and how to overcome them


Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder, especially among the rich, worldwide. Obesity can be described as a condition characterized by deposition of excess fat in the body. Usually, the result of food consumption exceeds physiological needs. Millions of dollars are spent each year on weight loss programs and in most cases, there is a strong tendency to regain weight.

Symptoms of Obesity in Children

Fat children are often referred to as "fat". The best way to determine if your child is obese is to call a paediatrician and have him diagnose your child. Today, children actually have higher levels of fat than adults, often called layman terms as "fat baby," and this is very natural. However, obesity is often accompanied by several other factors: chronic hunger, lethargy, and poor physical coordination.
Childhood Obesity Treatment
If one of your children suffers from childhood obesity, mentioning the problem will only hurt you and harm you. At the age, your child still does not have the maturity to understand and accept the needs and goals of weight loss. Furthermore, medical professionals also do not advocate strict dieting for children. If you want to help your child cope with his weight problems early on, the whole family should be ready to get over it right away.

Here are 9 Steps for You to Start in Handling Childhood Obesity

1. As always with troubleshooting, there is no better time to find a solution than to do it now. Delays will only increase the risk of your child's weight problem worsening. If you want to help your child, you need to take action without delay!

2. Discuss with your spouse the best way to introduce changes to your family's lifestyle and eating habits. Do not underestimate your child's intelligence. If you are not careful, it will be easy for your other children to follow what you are doing and blame their brother for causing all these changes in their lives.
It is important that you introduce change gradually and emphasize the benefits for the whole family. It is vital that all your children, even those struggling with weight problems, are unaware of what really triggers these changes.
If you or your partner has a health problem, you can use this reason to explain the changes you made. You can also reveal how you do not want your children to suffer the same health problems as you reach your age, and that's why you train them early to have good eating habits and healthy lifestyles.

3. Make a chart of the food you normally eat every day. Consult a nutritionist or doctor and show this graph. He or she will let you know what you're doing right and what you need to change for everyone's progress.

4. Parents are the first and best role model children can have. If you have decided the changes, be prepared to follow them to the letter. If you can not, do not expect your child to do the opposite.

5. Subject your refrigerator and pantry for seasonal cleaning. Slowly replace unhealthy food with delicious alternatives but still delicious. Do it one by one so your kids do not feel really lose it. Taking all of their favourite items in one instance will only make them want it more. And leave some "fun stuff" behind. They are not at all eat if you can monitor your child's intake.

6. Revise your food. Start with breakfast. Instead of piling butter and honey for pancakes, give them a healthier substitute. Try to find fruit that suits your children's tastes. Move to lunch and dinner as your children have adjusted to a healthy breakfast.

7. Do not let your children get used to having fun whenever they want. This is one of the main reasons they overeat and have weight problems. Create a schedule for them. They will soon pursue when they can expect food and snacks and they will automatically adjust their activities around your schedule.

Snacks should include at least two food groups for variety and better health benefits. You will find many simple and easy recipes at http://www.desidieter.com to make snacks for your children more fun and delicious without spending much of your budget.

8. Help your children not to eat while watching TV. If they are really engrossed in what they watch, they will not notice the amount of food they eat and this can also cause weight problems. If they want to eat, have them eat at the dinner table, preferably with you or other family members. Eating is a great way to tie together, after all!

9. Make small but significant changes to your lifestyle. To increase the physical activity of your children, set them up to handle simple household tasks and emphasize the need to be responsible. Use sports and other physical activities as a whole.
With the steps outlined above, you will easily help not only for your children but also everyone in the family.
Causes of Childhood Obesity
One of the simplest causes of obesity is ironical, which begins with a parent's love for their child. No one wants their children malnourished. But sometimes the parents cultivate food for their children healthy foods are excessive. The problem here is that children need a certain amount of nutrients every day to grow healthy; Anything that exceeds this limit is stored in their body as being overweight. Another common factor that causes obesity in children is the unhealthy amount of junk food around the world today. Given their often busy schedule, parents usually allow their children to enjoy fast food or take-out. While this consists of food in the sense that they make people not starve, this type of food is loaded with empty calories that can not be fully processed by the bodies of children, eventually collecting the excess as fat.

Why are children vulnerable to obesity?

 Lack of Exercise:
The previous generation developed in practice; Children's play ideas are mostly rough, with kids playing sports like soccer or basketball, running around the neighbourhood, grappling on the lawn, driving around by bicycle, rollerblading, or skateboarding. Even our little toys are physical as boss, yo-yo, wooden sword or firearm. Everything we usually observe usually requires physical tension and perspiration. Sure, we often go home with bruises and scratches, but fade quickly and we become healthier and stronger.

Children in the present generation really suffer from too much cosseting. Toys should be "safe", sports are kept at least roughness and injury. The "Violence" Toy is "bad". Hooray. The final result? Children do not get enough exercise at one point in their lives when their activity level determines how their body will be formed for the rest of their lives. The next generation is all the couch potatoes that train with this speed. Then we offer ease in video games and TV.

The Availability of Easy Junk Food

The next culprit on the phone is that we all know and like to be hated. Or hate love. Rubbish foods such as potato chips, ice cream, greasy cheeseburgers, layered pizza, and everything related to them. While pampering them on occasion is okay, no one in their right mind wants to live with a constant junk food diet. Unfortunately, instead of the old family tradition of packing your kids a healthy lunch to take to school, too many modern parents give their kids money to buy lunch in the cafeteria. These kids spend a lot of junk food because you're not there to see what they eat. Remember, you can ask your child to eat right, but if you are not around them, they will always be interested in fried and fried foods.

Schedule a Busy parent

This is something that is hard to avoid, but responsible parents should take the time to cook snacks for their children. The sad part about most modern parents is the lack of culinary skills, lack of knowledge about nutrition, or at least enough time for cooking, which ends with fast food and starts from Dosas, pakora, bread, Chinese or pizza and drinks light.
While taking a very good meal for a party, living on it is definitely not a great idea. And for those who do not choose takeout, they choose "fast and easy" foods like instant noodles and fast food from the microwave.

Fat, Salt, and Sugar Anywhere!

We all know that these three factors are good but bad for us if we take too much. Unfortunately, given your recent average school-age environment where access to cafeterias is easy. While our children may only eat three meals a day, they may be either biting a quick bite or drinking every break they get, as well as before and after school. This is especially true for children because snacks are habit-formers, and children are psychologically more vulnerable to developing habits than adults. These small snacks can match the caloric value of the fourth or even five meals a day, AND they consist almost entirely of all the beautiful empty calories with no nutritional value at all.

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